Friday, August 16, 2013

Eat with me:)?

Dear Eaters,
                    Alright so let me tell you a little about why I'm starting this! First my StepFather A.K.A Dad is away right now and this is something he really wanted me to do so I'm dedicating this to him he told me that he wants to be able to read about my blog in the newspaper<3 Second has anyone here ever been told they're to picky? I definitely have but even though I'm picky its strange because I'm really good with food. Long story short I'm good at eating and picking out foods I mean who's not?. So what I've decided to do since I live in New York(can you say variety?) is basically to photo document the best foods from all over and now I'm willing to try more with the more people I can get following, because honestly this is fun and I love peoples opinions.
    Thank you,
                         To the Eaters who decided to go on this long journey with me:)

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