Saturday, August 31, 2013

Garlic Bread?

Dear Eaters,
              SOOOO i'm sorry i'm sucking at posting more but heres something fun I found....The other Lay's crazy chips Cheesy Garlic Bread I have no idea how this one won because I loved Chicken and Waffles don't get me wrong I like these but those had more *UMF* if you know what I mean I do recommend you try them because its just crazy how these flavors are in a chip like what? Anyways I found them at my local grocery store Key Foods so ENJOY!
                                                                        Your Picky Eater

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Dear Eaters,
             So I woke up feeling better this morning YAY. I'm in the middle of applying for college(that means my life is chaotic) haha so I didn't have the chance for breakfast but I had one of these...the classic TV Dinner. Yes I had a Salisbury Steak with corn, mashed potatoes, and gravy. Yum yum but lets be honest i'm not a vegetable person as you can see so I basically said forget the corn and ate the rest(really have to work on the vegetable thing). FOr those who never had one you should only problem is most of them are high in sodium but I enjoy them. Let me know whats your favorite TV Dinner thats mine. ENJOY!
                                                                     Your Picky Eater


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The College diet!

Dear Eaters,
           Alright so I'm a little down today but hey what can you do:/ One thing that did cheer me up was finding my favorite chips can you guess? Yes its chicken and waffles haha I know sounds crazy but Lays did it I have tried all flavors but haven't featured them on my blog if I find the other two I will. Anyways this is another either you hate it or you love it type of food personally I loved it. Mostly the chips taste like gravy and syrup I know I know what a gross combination but somehow it works for me at least, I do recommend trying them but can't say you'll love them like I do;) ENJOY!(honestly not even sure if people read this but i'll keep posting)
                                                       Your Picky Eater 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Dear Eaters,
             Alright so I think most people can say they enjoy Apples or some kind of food made intensely by apples. Alright so my favorite kind of apples food is Dutch Apple Pie(yes I have to say Dutch) because if not the crust is flat and not textured the Dutch crust is crumbly you'll see and to me it makes a difference. Anywho I picked up this apple pie at my local grocery store Key Foods it was amazing I love it! I encourage everyone(who is not allergic to apples and any other ingredients this pie might have) to buy one thank you. ENJOY!
                                                            Your Picky Eater

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Dear Eaters,
                   I came across this snack at Whole Foods supermarket. It's seaweed I know your thinking salty, wet, and slimy. Alright so it is salty and wet but not slimy it seems like either you love it or you hate it once you try it. I LOVED the little thin dried out sheets of it. I suggest at least try one like I said either love it or hate it? Let me know. ENJOY!
                                                             Your Picky Eater

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Pizza bagels?

Dear Eaters,
               Alright so I'm SORRY i've been gone for a couple of days anyways I do have some pictures(But one at a time;p) So I kept walking into Keyfoods my local grocery store and they had these pre-made pizza bagels all you had to do was put them in the oven. I've been seeing them for a while and finally I got my nerve I bought them!:D THEY WERE AMAZING<3 Whats your favorite way to eat pizza? ENJOY!
                                       Your Picky Eater

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

South American?:)

      Dear Eaters,
                   Tonight I took a walk it lead me to my dinner which ended up in a tropical place can you guess where I ended up?:) I ended up in Mexico(I wish) No ok so theres this truck on the N&Q train on  the 30TH stop in Queens NY. I'm hispanic and am not that much of a fan for hispanic food but this truck is amazing I had a Burrito ok so i took out the beans but my boyfriend did try it with the beans with or without its a great dinner it has any choice of meat I go with chicken a lot of the times if you haven't notice haha, beans, rice, onions, sour cream, lettuce, tomato, guacamole, and if you choose hot sauce. I know it sounds like a huge dish it kind of is for $6.50 I believe(Don't quote me on that) but anyways its great theres always a huge line why is that because their fast, healthy, clean, and inexpensive let me not for VERY tasty also the guys are there everyday from around 6 to 3 or 4 in the morning nice guys hard workers so I thought I would do them a favor and also let you guys be able to spot them out here they are ENJOY!
                                           Love from a tropical place, 
                                                                       Your Picky Eater


Dear Eaters,
       Ok so this morning I was on the move my freaking building had a pipe burst so there was no water-___-(think about a bunch of people who didn't get to in this heat one work YUCK) Anyways sadly I was one of those people I did the best I could with some wet wipes, bounty, and water bottles:( Alright so I was in a rush to see a family member who well sadly is being accused of stealing money they did not steal(and yes I know this for a fact I have proof) well I got a quick lunch before heading over to the jail today was their day for visits so again as promised I ate at Kennedy's no fried chicken but a great burger I love burgers there is one burger place I promise to introduce you all to but not today;) SO here you go I'll be sure to write back for dinner enjoy!
                                                                 Your Picky Eater<3

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fried Chicken?

Dear Eaters,
            Alright so sorry I missed dinner yesterday I was gone last night came home today I got the Blogger App but I don't know it takes away something I rather just use my trusty old Macbook:) Plus why not use a gift I got for college start finding out all the things I can do with this thing haha:D. Anyways so it seems I love fried chicken more than anything chicken and waffles but will get to that one soon;) This fried chicken from yesterday (I did make sure to take pictures;) was amazing you would think it'd be greasy but no no it was great I loved it I would definitely eat there a billion times and its cheap! It came with fries and a soda most of them to and its a nice size this place is called Kennedy's chicken on 167st Bronx NY. ENJOY! Whats your favorite chicken spot this I have to know I'm on a quest for this one.
                                                                            Your Picky Eater

Monday, August 19, 2013

Got Milk?

Dear Eaters,
           Alright this is so cliche but I again had to have a quick breakfast as you can tell I'm one of those ants in my pants people. But I did see a commercial for the new apple jacks I mean who doesn't love those. I love cinnamon to so yes you guessed it I bought the cinnamon jacks *tada* yes i would be excited to haha. So honestly they weren't as sweet as normal apple jacks I guess that means not that great but the shapes and colors made it look cute and I would still eat another bowl I don't know maybe you guys should try them and let me know:)?
                                                                               Picky Eater
P.s please ignore the crap in the background

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Early Bird Breakfast:)

Dear Eaters,
           Alright so I haven't been able to right because I've been up early. I've said my stepfathers gone he's in prison over a money trial nothing crazy.(Very stressful miss him a lot) The craziest part is supposedly he runs a ponzi scheme but thats crazy because now my moms here struggling-__-. Anyways lets get back to the food this morning I had home fries which no matter where you go always seem to come out different any comments? A stack of toast with jelly ymu yum, and a quick Omelet with spinach and feta cheese yumm. I know I said I'm not a vegetable person but spinach I love haha. There's so many types of omelets whats your favorite omelet?
                                                               Your Picky Eater

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Any Veggie Eaters?:]

Dear Eaters,
             Alright so I'm not much of the chef obviously because I love going out for food due to the fact that 1.I don't have to make my own food haha 2.You can go with your friends and be social(its nice to sit outside) 3.Love trying different foods. Well tonight I ordered in guess what......Chinese yes probably the fastest food in New York other than McDonalds. I'm not a fan of vegetables but this is what I stole from my mom broccoli with garlic sauce and fried rice yum. Does anyone like vegetables because I think I hate them maybe you guys should help me out with the best ways to hide those bland vegetable flavors?
                                                       Your Picky Eater<3

Breakfast/Lunch=Brunch time Eaters:)

Dear Eaters,
            Lately been in that summertime sleep late wake up late so technically I went out for brunch. To start i had some assorted muffins banana and chocolate chip.(personally chocolate chip is my favorite)  Next I'm not really the biggest fan of French Toast but OMG when I saw this I was actually excited to eat it. And well it was amazing, just your average joe french toast but, I have to say I think I could eat this all the time. These I had at another restaurant in Queens, NY called Grand Cafe' and what can I say I've been a strawberry head gotta have them almost everyday well enjoy:] What are your favorite brunch meals?:{)
                                                                    Your Picky Eater<3


Friday, August 16, 2013


Dear Eaters!,
           Alright so tonights dinner was dessert or breakfast I'm not sure care to give your input? Well I live by many european restaurants and a lot of Middle East restaurants I guess now I have to try the Middle Eastern ones for my blog like I said Picky Eater over hereO:) I personally love Crepes can't get enough of them my favorite Banana, Strawberry, and Nutella<333(I loveeeeee chocolate maybe my favorite thing in the world my boyfriend second haha) Any who those of you who have had what was your favorite and where did you go this is my favorite spot in Queens, NY Cafe to go creperie.(Always nice and always make them amazing)
                                                             Your Picky Eater(p.s enjoy:p)

Eat with me:)?

Dear Eaters,
                    Alright so let me tell you a little about why I'm starting this! First my StepFather A.K.A Dad is away right now and this is something he really wanted me to do so I'm dedicating this to him he told me that he wants to be able to read about my blog in the newspaper<3 Second has anyone here ever been told they're to picky? I definitely have but even though I'm picky its strange because I'm really good with food. Long story short I'm good at eating and picking out foods I mean who's not?. So what I've decided to do since I live in New York(can you say variety?) is basically to photo document the best foods from all over and now I'm willing to try more with the more people I can get following, because honestly this is fun and I love peoples opinions.
    Thank you,
                         To the Eaters who decided to go on this long journey with me:)